Horizon Realty Group
Making it Happen
PHONE:  (432) 618-8888
3009 North Big Spring, Midland, TX 79705

Sheila McKown

Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI
Office: 432-618-8888432-618-8888
I was born and raised in Texas and since 1990 I have resided in Midland. I am married and have two young daughters. I pride myself on being a professional and a woman of great integrity and I believe one of my greatest assets is working with people. I am a very well organized, enthusiastic and motivated individual who stays focused on helping others with their quality of life and I am committed to the Midland communities welfare. When I am not busy helping someone with buying or selling a home, or volunteering, I love playing golf, traveling, fishing, cooking, music and dancing.
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Ph: (432) 618-8888
3009 North Big Spring
Midland, TX 79705 US
License # 0459062
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